Tips To Help You Commit To Your New Year's Fitness Resolution


It's that time of year again. Time to focus on your New Year's resolutions. Many people begin an exercise program but abandon it before February. However, we’re here to break that redundant cycle! Here are some tips to achieve your fitness goals during the New Year.

Determine Your Readiness

Make sure you're both physically and mentally ready to start an exercise program. Check-in with your doctor if you decide to begin a fitness regimen.  You want to make sure you're healthy enough to start. Once you have been physically cleared, consider your mental readiness. In my opinion, this is the most important part. First ask yourself, how likely are you to stick with an exercise program once you begin? Obviously, there are many variables to successfully pursue a healthy lifestyle, but you are more likely to succeed if you

  • Have confidence in your exercise ability.

  • Receive positive reinforcement and support from those closest to you.

  • Perform in a form of exercise that YOU find fun.

Plan Plan Plan

Before you start your exercise program, ask yourself these three questions

When will you exercise?

·         Create a schedule for yourself! Pick three days and times that are convenient for you to be active and commit to those days.

What type of exercise will you do?

·         Do something that you ENJOY. I can’t stress enough the amount of people that tell me they are going to start running, but completely hate running! There are plenty of exercises options to choose from! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, pick an exercise that works for you.

How much time will you spend exercising?

·         Start small with each trip to the gym. Gradually build up to exercising for 45-60 minutes a session.

No Rush

Remember your resolution isn’t a quick fix, but a lifelong commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Don’t try to compare your journey with someone else’s fitness journey. You are much more likely to be successful if you take it at your own pace when you begin. We all start somewhere, and someday you will be the person who is doing high-intensity workouts looking like a psycho, but for now start slow. Ease fitness into your schedule and don’t try to completely turn your life around overnight.

Be Realistic

One of the biggest problems with New Year's resolutions people overreach. Setting goals is a great and all, but make sure they are realistic. If they aren’t then you’re more likely to get discouraged and disregard your New Year’s goal. A goal to lose 6 pounds in a month is allot more realistic than setting a goal to lose 20 pounds in a month. Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Take your time, build a solid base for your fitness and allow it to grow. Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy the process!

Kenny Vertus