Why You Need Cheat Days For Balance


Sometimes when I meet people or if someone messages me asking for advice, they seem to believe that I’m exercising 24/7 and eating healthily 100% of the time! Yes, I love fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle, but I am not perfect! As I am writing this, I’m devouring a box of goldfish, with no regrets in the world. No one is perfect, and nobody can sustain a lifestyle that only consist of nutritious meals and workouts every day. Obviously if someone is training for an event, but that won’t last forever. Balance is extremely important and critical if someone wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this instance, it’s ok to cheat….sometimes.

It is VERY important to give your body a break and to provide it with the necessary balance it needs! I don’t think I can argue that chocolate chip cookies or apple cider donuts are ever GOOD for your body, but they are absolutely good for our mind….in moderation! Restricting yourself of your favorite foods isn’t healthy! It will only lead to you indulging your favorite foods in excess. Don’t worry, having one cheat meal or skipping a workout to rest will not ruin all the work you’ve put in. That doesn’t mean indulge in a whole box of pizza, but it means treat yourself every now and then. I personally limit how many cheat meals I have a month, because I don’t enjoy the sluggish feeling after consistently consuming my favorite foods.

It can be hard to say no to a box of pepperoni pizza, staring at you in the face (speaking from experience), so here are a few approaches I use to maintain balance:

Filling Up the Fridge
I try to go grocery shopping at the beginning of the week, so my fridge is always stocked healthy options. I also have less of a desire to go out and buy food from a local fast food location since I know I have food in my fridge. I also like to save my cheat meals for something I’m desperately craving, so having food stocked in my fridge definitely helps.

Finding New Recipes
I’ve noticed that when I’m bored of recipes, I start craving unhealthy meals. To refrain from that, I like to go online, and find new healthy recipes to keep my diet from getting stale. It helps my diet fresh, exciting, and more importantly, it’ll help refrain myself from ordering takeout!

Mental Awareness
Being aware of my mental state before eating does play a significant role in how I might indulge throughout the day. If I am stressed, I’ll find myself eating anything, no matter its nutritional significance. If I am overwhelmed, I could potentially find myself not eating for the day, which obviously isn’t healthy. In those states, I find a leisure activity that I enjoy, and it’ll help me from unnecessary indulging on multiple boxes of pizza.

So don’t get down on yourself the next time you have a “cheat meal”, we all have them. Remember that it’s ok! Everything is ok in moderation. Don’t let it discourage you from pursuing a healthy lifestyle. As long as you maintain a balance between a healthy lifestyle, and your “cheat days”, everything is going to be ok.

Kenny Vertus