Getting Back Into Shape

There was a time where you were consistently exercising, healthily eating, and living a pretty active lifestyle. You felt stronger and healthier than ever! There was also a boost in your confidence and you felt as if nothing could tear you down. Well, until life got crazy, or you got sick, etc. Whatever it was, it completely ruined your consistency when it came to living a healthier lifestyle. It feels as if you’ll never get back into that previous rhythm you had before “the incident,” but honestly you shouldn’t let one setback discourage you from continuing your journey towards living a healthier lifestyle. Keep the following tips in mind and you'll be back on track before you know it.

Don’t Rush Back into It

Everybody wants to exercise at the same intensity from when they were in-shape, but you’ll notice you’ll be panting 10 minutes into the grueling workout that you’re normally used to. It’s best to start small and gradually work your way back into your typical routine. It would be best to decrease your weight, repetitions, and sets so you aren’t straining your muscles or sloppily completing your exercises. Since your muscles won’t use to the stress of exercise, increasing your resting periods is an important factor to keep in mind. Finally, when you make your star-studded entrance back into exercise, don’t try to attend the gym 5 days a week. Remember, allow your muscles to recover because you do not want to overload your body with excessive exercise. If you do, that could adhere to negative results instead of the positive results you’re looking for.

Be Realistic

Realistically, the longer you’ve been inactive, the more time your body is going to need for your illustrious comeback. The first couple of weeks, you will start to notice plenty of progress, physically & aerobically. For the average person, it should take about six to eight weeks to return your body back into shape. Have short-term and long-term goals during that time you are exercising again. Goal setting is going to help you track your progression and also help you stay focused on your end-game goal. Remember, it takes time, so don’t try to rush the process!

Don’t Give Up

Honestly, getting back into shape is frustrating and disheartening especially when we remind ourselves how fit we used to be, but don’t give up! Everything takes time and you can’t progress if you’re reminiscing on what you used to be. Move forward and surpass your previous fitness milestones.